Kaitlyn sharpless

Kaitlyn Sharpless, founder of Felix.Fortis. Golf Strength & Conditioning, is on a mission to "bridge the gap" between the golf world and the strength world. Her experience of an over-use lower back injury while playing for Methodist University's Womens Golf team  sparked her interest in connecting human movement and the golf swing. Her strength & conditioning philosophy boils down to helping golfers move better, get stronger, avoid injury and play the game of golf we love to the best of one's ability. If  golfers are playing with physical limitations they are unaware of- they are sticking a square peg through a round hole and setting themselves  up for injury. 

Master of Science

Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association

PGA Member

USAW Weightlifting Coach

Level 2 Titleist Performance Institute Junior Coach

Level 2 Titleist Performance Institute Fitness Professional

K-Vest Specialist





Denali National Park

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This One Tree Somewhere

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.