• About Kaitlyn Pimentel

It all started here…

At Methodist University, I had the privilege of playing on an UH-MAZING team filled with the most inspiring humans. They were fighters, goal crushers, and I dare you to outwork them.

I wanted nothing more than to join my friends and help bring home another National Championship (15th in a row), jump in THE pool, and share the happy tears of getting’ it DONE! But here’s the thing…I didn’t have what it took.

Instead, I struggled BIG TIME internally with “God, what happened…I used to be the best, now I can’t keep up.” I came from a little pond, literally HA! Cape Cod, MA. I played exceptionally well in high school, as does everyone, and wanted to give college golf a whirl. Got to college, and soon found out, everyone was just as good, so it made me fight harder. In the process of fighting harder, hitting ball after ball, lugging my bag around like it was a sign of “pride and strength” what I ACTUALLY was doing, was beating my little body right in to the Carolina ground.

I came to my point of “something has GOT to give.” It was when I couldn’t play two days in a row without a tremendous amount of low back pain, or soon after trying to make a swing change with coach, I needed to inhale a Advil. Not only did this make me feel extremely heart broken and depressed, but it made me feel like what’s the point. The harder I tried, the more agony I was in. Justttttt as I was about to throw in the towel, literally, my teammate came back from a TPI conference and decided to screen me. Oh the info we found!

I then found out the reasoning behind my back pain! I found out I had nO hip mobility, core strength, or glute strength. Therefor, I was sliding/swaying all over the place, and overtime I tried to bump my hip at the target to create some power, it was as if I was stuffing a square peg through a round role.

Once I found I had hope lol, and that someone understood me, I said “Enough is enough.” I was 18 years old, and I knew this wasn’t normal. I started working out, following an easy peasy protocol, and BAM!!!! FINALLY! Bring on the surge of confidence, happiness, and motivation.

Flash forward 8 years later and I am more explosive, powerful, and a MUCH better golfer than I ever was. All through knowing how my body works, figuring out where I need work, continuously assessing, and trying STRONG. I also have figured out that female athletes need SPECIFIC protocols when it comes to lifting, nutrition and mindset that is according to their monthly menstrual cycles. This is a whole different ballgame that I wish I knew when I was in high school. Knowing how to exercises, what to eat, how to manage my schedule on a month to month basis and especially how to eliminate PMS during each cycle would have been GOLD. For the parents reading this who have young female athletes in the house- message me and I’d be happy to dive in deeper, or just continue to follow this page!

My friends, I have helped so many amazing golfers accomplish the same results. The process is NOT hard. you just need the right program and a loving, supportive, and bad-to-the-bone community around you. I know I’m in! Are you?!